Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Assignment 1: Final submission

Image of finished poster:
A static image of the interactive pdf doesn't do it justice, as only half the images are visible, and none of the text. To see the full extent of the pdf, download it from here:

Grasshopper description:
Click to enlarge

It can be seen in the image above, or if you really want, you can download it from:

12 iterations:

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

more renders:

Week three tasks:

Draft A2 PDF presentation:
In my poster design, I split the page up horizontaly three times. The top two rows house eight images of my model iterations, and each will transition into another with a mouse over.
The bottom row has a text box on the right, which with a mouse over of the other pictures, will change and talk more about my concept, development and research. The left side of the bottom row is taken up by sketchs and development work.

Test renders:

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

week 3 tasks

 I chose this image because of the sticky liquid look it has. I think it would be fun to try and model the interconnecting strands between the larger blobs.
Like the above image, I was drawn to this one because of the interconnecting strands between all of the different areas of the lava.

 The rest of the images I chose because they continue the theme of liquids. The exploding blobs and different forms would make good models if I could figure out how to do it.

Web Sources:

This website talks about different fluid dynamics, and would be a useful source when trying to model a liquid because it talks about how the form is shaped depending on the actions applied to the liquid.
This sort of thing could be used to create organic shapes like a liquid surface. It lowers a cloth over spheres and creates contours on the cloth as they collide.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Tasks due for week 2

This image looks like no matter how much you zoom in, each little section would en up looking like the zoomed out image. It could be created using an algorithm that replicates the same sort of form over and over again, building up to make a bigger model.
I picked this image because it looks like something that given the right amount of time and thinking, I could replicate in grasshopper using an algorithm. Like the green one above, it looks like you could keep zooming in to it and see the same thing.
I picked this image because it looks a lot like something I was fiddling around with in rhino earlier in the week. The different shapes are created by random lines bounding the space, which can be changed to create a series of different patterns. As a model, it could be altered by changing the height of different points, as well as how close they are to each other. This would simulate something like the moon or wind making waves on the ocean bigger and more choppy.